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2R Growing Seeds 🌱

As part of our ‘Apprentice Gardner’ topic in science, 2R have planted cress seeds in their table groups. We discussed what seeds need to grow and have placed our cup of seeds in different places in and around our classroom.

Where did your group put your cup of cress seeds?
Do you think your seeds will grow in that place, please explain your answer.
Can you name the different parts of a plant?

2 responses to “2R Growing Seeds 🌱”

  1. Dominik B.

    My group put theirs in the cloakroom.
    Yes I think the seeds will thrive a little bit because it is a bit cold.
    These are some features of some plants fruit, flowers, stems , leaves, buds .

  2. Zakariyah A.

    We put our cress seeds in the cloakroom.I don’t Think the seeds will grow because it is cold, there is no sunlight and the air I’m not fresh.

    And the fruit or vegetable that will grow from the seed.

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