2W – So far this week!

We have had such a lovely start to the year in 2 White. You have settled really well and shown great maturity and enthusiasm. Myself and Mrs Browning have had a super first few days. Below is a video of some of the things you have done so far for you to share with your adults.

  1. Why was card not a suitable material for a tightrope when it was both strong and flexible.
  2. What skills did you use for your self portraits?
  3. What was the important message in the Ugly Duckling story?
  4. What is similar and different about you and your friend?

6 responses to “2W – So far this week!”

  1. Dhonshan R.

    Why was card not a suitable material for a tightrope when it was both strong and flexible? Because it’s body fit and healthy.
    What skills did you use for your self portraits? Art and design
    What was the important message in the Ugly Duckling story? To be kind and nice
    What is similar and different about you and your friend?
    Similar- same language and same age
    Different-Hair,skin colour Country.

    1. Head Teacher

      Hi If this is Dhonshan answering well done for doing the work BUT far too late to be up. Sleep is needed.

      1. Dhonshan R.

        Don’t need doubt, this is Dhonshan. I thought maybe no school today, that’s why.. Thank you for your concern Mrs Frankish.

        1. Head Teacher

          See you later then and please make sure you have lots of sleep as young children need 10-12 hours.x

  2. Emraan A.

    1.Why was card not a suitable material for a tightrope when it was both strong and flexible.
    Because it fall down.
    2.What skills did you use for your self portraits?
    I used hair, eyes, mouth and broadheath jumper.
    3.What was the important message in the Ugly Duckling story?
    We have to be kind to everyone.

    4.What is similar and different about you and your friend?
    The different between me and my friends is we don’t have the same hair, skin, culture and eyes colour. The similar between me and my friends is language and ages.

  3. Duaa A.

    What a great week so far! So many fun activities.

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