3 Red’s Solar Systems

Today 3 Red used their creativity and teamwork skills to measure and sketch out the planets to scale to make their very own solar systems. Please watch our iMovie below to see our wonderful, out of this world work!

Comment below a fact about the solar system.

42 responses to “3 Red’s Solar Systems”

  1. Javishan R.

    1. The solar system is part of the Milky Way.
    2. Uranus has 27 moons.
    3. The solar system formed 4.6 Billion years ago.
    4. Jupiter has 79 moons.
    5. The 2 closest planets to the sun are mercury and venuse.

  2. Awais J.

    Jupiter has 79 moons and is the 5 planet away from the sun.
    The sun has lived for 4.9 billion years

  3. Hamza M.

    Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun.

  4. Hasan N.

    There are 8 planets in the the solar system.
    The sun has 15 Million degrees
    Jupiter has 79 moons one of them is called Tian
    Plouto is a dwarf planet
    Urarnus has a thin ice ring
    Saturn has a ring made of rocks
    Mars has the tallest mountain in the solar system,the named Olympic mon

  5. Hammaad H.

    The solar system has 8 planets.
    Mars has two moons
    The biggest planet is Japitar

    Bhavdeep andHamaad

  6. Jebrin Y.

    Opssies I mean 79 moons

  7. Zakariyah T.

    Mercury get smaller every day
    Uranus has 27 moons
    Jupiter has 79 moons

  8. Ebeid M.

    Jupiter has 79 moons.

  9. Rayan M.

    Mars has two moons.
    Jupiter has 79 moons.

  10. Ariyan S.

    1.Juipiter has 79 moons.
    2.The last planet is Neptune.
    3.The first planet was mercury.

  11. Hamza M.

    Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun.

  12. Safaa Y.

    I mean 79

  13. Sidrah S.

    Do you know Jupiter has 79 moons?

  14. Sidrah S.

    The solar system is part of the Milky Way
    The solar system has eight planets

    1. Miss Holland

      Great job!

  15. Rayan M.

    The biggest planet is Jupiter.
    Mars is sometimes called the red planet.
    Mars is the fourth planet away from the sun.
    Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system.
    Mars is made out of iron.

    1. Miss Holland

      Fantastic facts Rayan!

  16. Mya F.

    Mars is the smallest planet from earth.

    1. Miss Holland

      Do you mean closest planet to earth?

  17. Ebeid M.

    Jupiter has 72 moons.

  18. Havin A.

    Even though mercury is the closest to the sun Venus is the hottest planet .
    Uranus is the coldest yet Neptune is the last planet.
    Mars wouldn’t be red without a rusty red soil.

    1. Miss Holland

      Great facts Havin!

  19. Jebrin Y.

    Jupiter has 71 moons.

    1. Miss Holland

      Nearly! You’re very close.

  20. Hamza M.

    A fact about the solar system is that the Earth is the third planet from the sun.

    1. Miss Holland

      Which planet is closest to the sun?

  21. Charis O.

    Not the earth I mean the sun

  22. Abdelraham A.

    Saturn has 82 moons

    Saturn has 82 moons

    1. Miss Holland

      I think you mean Jupiter. How many moons does Saturn have?

  23. Safaa Y.

    Jupiter has 27 moons and is the biggest planet

    1. Miss Holland

      Not quite, it has more moons!

  24. Ebeid M.

    Saturn has 82 moons.

  25. Ebeid M.

    Uranus has 27 moons.

  26. Zakariyah T.

    Saturn has 82 moons

  27. Jebrin Y.

    Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun in the solar system.

  28. Charis O.

    In the solar systems there are bigger stars than earth

  29. Ebeid M.

    The 5 closest planets to the sun in the solar system are mercury Venus earth mars and Jupiter.

  30. Abdelraham A.

    Jupiter has 72 moons

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