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3W General Parent Reminders

We have had a really positive few weeks in Year 3, but there are just a few reminders that I would like to share:

Please can homework be completed and handed in by Wednesday at the latest. Children who hand it in on Monday or Tuesday will recieve a reward (point/peg etc.) ! This is so the work can be marked issues can be addressed.
Homework can be found here each week: https://www.broadheath.coventry.sch.uk/year-group-overviews/

We are trying to listen to your children read as much as possible, but it is not possible for us to hear them read a whole book. PLEASE READ WITH YOUR CHILDREN AT HOME. Reading helps the children in all areas of the curriculum and in everyday life, so is the most important area to progress in. If you do read with your child, please sign their diary and include the page that they have read up to, so we know when and how much they have read.

These have started this week and will continue for the next few weeks. Please sign up with your class adults for a time. Meetings will only be 10 minutes so it is important that you arrive on time so it doesn’t effect the next appointment or children’ learning.

Swimming kits in on a Friday please so they are in school for Monday. PE kits to be worn on Mondays and Tuesdays please. This will be every week, unless told otherwise.

8 responses to “3W General Parent Reminders”

  1. Warizah I.

    Warizah completed her homework

  2. Warizah I.

    We couldn’t find the home work for week2 and week3 it’s very difficult to find out..

  3. Murtaza A.

    We cannot find the homework. It says to sign in but also won’t let us do that.

  4. Adam O.

    We couldn’t find the homework post for week 2 last weekend but now we have the planner it’s easy to see all weeks. Thank you.

  5. Zakariyah A.

    We couldn’t find the homework from last Friday.

  6. Huzaifa S.

    We have also found the the week 2 homework finally. Huzaifa did a character description of Peter Pan in his homework book and practiced his times table.

  7. Yusuf A.

    We finally found the homework. Yusuf did a character description of Captian Hook. 🪝

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