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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

4 White’s Health Week- Thursday

We’ve had another great day today! First, we enjoyed a visit from Coventry Rugby Club. We were taught different rugby skills, and had a great time playing rugby with our friends.

Afterwards, we had a discussion about fairness and teamwork, exploring different scenarios and identifying ways to make sure were are all team players.

Then, we got busy planning our very own Commonwealth Games for the afternoon. We designed medals, created flags, podium places and scorecards to help organise the event.

Following a parade to the arena, all of Year 4 then took part in the Games, trying out different sports and competing for our nominated countries. Even though the weather did its best to dampen our spirits and blow us away, we all had a great time together as a year group!

What did you enjoy about today?

What new skills did you learn?

How did you make progress today?

7 responses to “4 White’s Health Week- Thursday”

  1. Miski M.

    Rugby was great. I learnt you need to think before you do anything in rugby. I made progress by winning a game of Kahoot.

  2. Mohammed I.

    What I enjoyed about this is that I loved rugby.
    I learned that if someone come to attack you, just turn around and get there’s.
    I learned progress by catching the person which is coming for you.

  3. Rubab G.

    I had fun

  4. Adam J.

    I enjoyed the running
    To plan and team
    By being enrgetic

  5. Zahraa Y.

    I had so much fun!! Doing rugby
    Make sure you use teamwork because teamwork makes the dream work

  6. Markuss B.

    My most favourite thing I did was rugby.
    I learnt how to throw a disscus.
    I made progress in Kahoot as a team.

  7. Mohammed S.

    My favourite thing today was rugby.
    I learnt that if you want to complete something you need teamwork.
    I made progress because I learnt that in rugby you have to communicate to your team members for them to give you the ball and you need teamwork because you work as a team and communicate on when to score.

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