4Reds Regular Polygons

Today we investigated regular and irregular polygons. Here are some of our collages.

  • What is polygon?
  • What is the difference between a regular polygon and an irregular polygon?
  • Name 4 Polygons?

18 responses to “4Reds Regular Polygons”

  1. Rahim A.

    A polygon has straight sides shape
    A irregular polygon and regular a regular polygon has four sides or more then a irregular polygon has more or equal
    Square , rectangle , rhombus , triangle,

  2. Mustafa Z.

    1. A shape with more than 3 sides and straight sides
    2. Irregular and regular polygons are different from regular they are normal shapes but with irregular it’s not normal shapes but in a way it’s a shape.
    3. Square, kite, trapezium rhombus.

  3. Rexford A.

    A polygon is a 2D shape with straight sides
    A regular polygon have equal sides a irregular one doesn’t
    Square,isosceles triangle,rhombus and a pentagon

  4. Jegor S.

    Polygon has equal sides
    Irregular polygon it doesn’t have equal sides
    Triangle, rectangle, Hexagon and Pentagon

  5. Alya M.

    A regular polygon has sight lines and is 2D
    A polygon is a shape that cannot be 3D
    Square and triangle and oval and rectangle

  6. Eva T.

    An irregular polygon does not have all of it’s sides equal.


  7. Eva T.

    A polygon is a 2D shape with straightened sides as well as being closed (with no gaps in the shape).
    A regular polygon has the same things of a normal polygon but every side is equal (like a square).
    Four polygons are a parallelogram,rhombus,kite and a trapezium.

  8. A polygon is a shape has straight side and 2D shape they do not have curved sides.
    The difference of a regular polygon and an irregular polygon are regular polygon have all the side equal and irregular polygon have no side are equal. The four polygon are named Square
    Parallelogram and Rombus and isosceles triangle

  9. Safa A.

    a polyogon is a shape with stirate sides .
    the diffrents between a ireaglar and a reaglar polgon is. a ireaglar is oppssite of a reglar polyogone .
    a name of a polyogon is a sqeare hexgon pentogon and a tringel .

  10. Ebnezere A.

    A polygon is 3 sides or more it need straight lines. The difference between a polygon and an irregular polygon is that a regular polygon has straight lines and an irregular polygon have not straight lines.
    A square, triangle ,hexagon and a rhombus.

  11. Nabiha I.

    1. A polygon is a 2D shape that has straigt sides,no gaps,all sides must be equal.
    2.The diffrence between a irregular and regular shape is that regular shapes have sides and angles of equal vause but a irregular shapes have sides and angles with different valuse.
    3.Four tipes of polygons are square, equilateral triangle,pentigon,octogon,hexigon.

  12. Yasmin A.

    Fact! All polygon shape are 2D! Like
    Square and rhombus

  13. Subodh K.

    1. polygons are 2D shapes and no gapes straight sides.
    2. a irregular polygon is 2D shape , no gapes and no equal sides.a regular polygon has equal sides
    3. pentagon,hexagon,square and octagon

  14. Kitan O.

    1 a polygons are shape that are equal and straight
    2.A regular polygons had equal angles and sides meaning that all sides are the some length on the other hand an irregular polygons has
    Sides varying size and varying angles
    3. There is a square triangle hexagon and a pentogon

  15. Yasmin A.

    A polygon is a shape that has straight.
    The difference between regular polygon and irregular is irregular polygon it a scale .

  16. Ranj M.

    A polygon is when a 2d shape has straight sides no gaps with multiple kinds
    The difference is that irregular polygon does not have equal sides that means rectangle or triangle are not regular polygons
    The 4 polygons are square rectangle pentagon and rhombus

  17. Aadam R.

    A polygon is where all sides are straight no gaps so all shapes should be closed.

    A reggular polygon has equal sides and length on the other hand an irregular polygon has different sizes of length and sides.

    The four polygons I can name are

  18. Hishaam G.

    A polygon is 2D shape
    The difference for regular polygon is it always has 4 straight sides
    ireglar polygon has dozens have straight sides
    Square rectangl Rombos hexgon

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