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5 Blue Performing Macbeth ๐Ÿ‘‘

Today 5 Blue, used there drama skills to perform scenes from the Macbeth play. They used intonation and created freeze frames to express how the character is feeling.

What is dramatic convention?

What genre is the Macbeth play?

3 responses to “5 Blue Performing Macbeth ๐Ÿ‘‘”

  1. Arhan S.

    Dramatic convention is the building blocks of storytelling, performance with a unique sense of style
    Macbeth is a tragedy of ambition,power by murder

  2. Mopelola L.

    Dramatic Convention is when a technique is used by the paywright to captivate their audince.Death is a very important theme in Macbeth.Also Good vs Evil and Betrayal.

  3. Afsa P.

    That looked like fun

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