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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

6 blue performance week

This week has been performance week and what a week we have had!

We have performed on the sports field, singing in a whole year group performance, in computing, creating and painting sculptures and telling jokes. It has been a fantastic week where all individual personalities were able to emerge.
What a fantastic end to our half term!

Sculpture making

Joke telling



4 responses to “6 blue performance week”

  1. Saee N.

    Hi Miss Gittings,
    where is the stem work?
    I can’t find it.
    Can you please help me with where it is?

  2. Suraiyah A.

    I have enjoyed this week a lot I hope everyone has a lovely half term break and also a big thank you to the teachers for setting up such fun activities and have performed on the last day which was really fun. I have enjoyed everything we have done this week.

  3. Zaeem S.

    I enjoyed this week and wish everyone the best half-term holiday good luck everyone and thank you for the teachers effort that they have put towards this lovely week and for the entire half-term.

    1. Head Teacher

      What a lovely, kind thing to say. Have fun too.

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