This week year 5 have been completing many different performances leading to lots of new skills being learnt and mastered.
Today Year 5 have learnt all about Makaton, which is a communication language using signs and symbols.

We learnt a Beatles song called β€˜Here comes the Sun’. We learnt the signs in Makaton for this and here is our final performance. We hope you enjoy it.

What was your favourite part of performance week and did you spot Mrs RajaKhan in our video?

8 responses to “Year 5 Makaton Song πŸ‘Œ”

  1. Hanfaa N.

    sorry but the video doesn’t work

  2. Oluwaduminu O.

    I really enjoyed Doing the Makaton Signs to Here Comes the Sun By the Beatles,The Video wasn’t working so I Couldn’t View The video

  3. Ammara K.

    My favourite part was doing the animation . The video was not working so I could not access
    it sorry

  4. Romeesa T.

    There was an issue, so I could not watch the makaton video of here comes the song .

  5. Mohammed W.

    My favorite part of performance week was when we animated

  6. Tana I.

    I loved practicing but the video doesn’t work

  7. Tipian I.

    It was good but , I didn’t get to watch it because of Internet connection πŸ˜•

  8. Zahraa Y.

    It was really good and I really enjoyed it!!

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