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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

5 Blue are toy makers!

This half term, we have looked at how levers work.

How are levers used in everyday life? What are the main parts of a lever?

We looked at some Victorian style toys and identified the parts of a lever.

We played with wooden toys which use working using levers. We identified the parts.

We designed and built our own toys following instructions. We were required to use a hammer, sandpaper and wood glue.
How did we stay safe whilst using this equipment?

Look at our toys!

Did you meet the design brief? State 2 stars and a wish for your work.



One response to “5 Blue are toy makers!”

  1. Zakariah D.

    The main parts of a lever is fulcrum,load and force.
    I liked the colours on it and how it moved but I could’ve improved it by colouring neatly and stop it from getting stuck

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