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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Minibeast fact files

Children researched a range of minibeasts, also using their existing knowledge of what we have learnt this term in Science. The values used were knowledge, brilliance and teamwork, as children worked together to create their own fact file of a chosen minibeast.


Our Football fanatics have been busy playing football for wellbeing day. We practised our ball control skills by dribbling around cones, then we practised our passing and teamwork skills before having a mini match.


The children had a great time today getting creative with Scratch. Some children created interactive stories, some created cartoons to show their friends, and some created games to play independently or in teams.

It was amazing to see them all building on their previous learning in Computing in such a creative way!


Today, we used our control skills from PE to play golf. We also practised our quick addition while scoring the games.

Active maths

Today, we completed a maths challenge deciphering clues and using our maths knowledge to find the answers.

9 responses to “Year 4 Wellbeing Day: 13.05.22”

  1. Aarav R.

    It was so fun

  2. Zahraa Y.

    It was sooooo much fun

  3. Ayaan M.

    Thank you for this spectacular day.

  4. Mohammed W.

    Thank you for the amazing day!

  5. Ammara K.

    It was very fun on wellbeing day

  6. Tipian I.

    I love all of them and thank you for planning this amazing day

  7. Estera V.

    It looked like very good activites to complete I wish I was there

  8. Karanbir B.

    and my nose still hurts 😞

  9. Karanbir B.

    Wellbeing day was so fun
    My favourite activities were golf(not much because my nose got injured 😞)Minibeast fact files and football the rest were fun too.

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