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1 Red words

We have been using lots of different vocabulary. We used adjectives in Science to describe how different food taste. Then in English we found lots of new vocabulary in the story we have been sharing.

Can you find any new words in your reading book? What do those new words mean?

7 responses to “1 Red words”

  1. Miss Ramsell

    Well done everyone ☺️🌟

  2. Oliwia B.

    Oliwia found


  3. Rayyan R.

    Rayyan has been looking for the words he learned in other books😊as in what,there,them and he is trying to put them in sentences.

  4. Abdulkafi E.

    Abdulkafi’s book had the word guess. We discussed that it means to answer something you don’t know.

    1. Miss Ramsell

      Well done, glad you found out the meaning too.☺️

  5. Hosanna N.

    Whined: grumpy voice
    Gliding: flying smoothly
    Trotted: gentle running
    Pile:things lying one on top of the other.

    1. Miss Ramsell

      Great work Hosanna, fantastic to learn all these new words
      Thank you for sharing 🌟

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