Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of our upcoming Health Week (22nd-26th May) we will be revisiting our discussions from Autumn term on Body Changes and Puberty.

This will build on our Science learning – Life Cycles and Reproduction.

This discussion will take place through the use of a question box, in which pupils can put in questions they would like answered. These will then be answered in an age appropriate way and could be supported by a member of pastoral if required.

If you have any further questions, please speak to your child’s teacher.

Many thanks,

Year 5 Team

8 responses to “Body Changes – Year 5”

  1. Jensen C.

    Thanks for the information year 5 team!!!

  2. Diana D.

    Thank you for the info

  3. Tana I.

    Ok thank you very much

  4. Najma O.

    Okay thank you for the information of this

  5. Tipian I.

    Ok thanks for the information if they are any updates please let me know

  6. Hanfaa N.

    Thank you for this information.

  7. Ebenezer O.

    Thank you for telling us

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