On the 5th June 2021, Coventry’s year as City of Culture officially began. As I am sure many of you saw, the festivities grew and the streets of our City have now been filled with vibrant colours and decorations.

Broad Heath has been part of this because we created a banner for everyone in Coventry, the U.K. and the world to see- doesn’t it look fab?? 

Our banner is hanging in the centre of Coventry and I am beyond proud to see all of our hard work and contributions out on display. I would like to take a moment to thank everyone in school for creating their handprints and I would like to say a special thank you to the whole of Year 6 who worked incredibly hard to create the extra artwork, to glue and to keep spirits high. Isn’t wonderful to see our work being transformed from the studio to the City Centre? Everyone should be incredibly proud, I know I certainly am!

41 responses to “Coventry, City of Culture 2021 – BH’s Banner!”

  1. Absi P.

    Well done

  2. Keisha N.

    This is impressive I am surprised that our art piece is public so everyone can see it.

  3. Zavian K.

    Sadly I can’t see in person. However, the banner in the image looks very very good.

  4. Salman R.

    It looks amazing!

  5. Scarlett D.

    Wow! The banner looks fantastic.

  6. Mujammil A.

    Well done! I saw the banner when I went to town in the holidays! It was so exciting to see it!

  7. Alexis J.

    Well done

  8. Boluwatife I.

    Well done the banner is amazing

  9. Inaaya W.

    I love the bannar.

  10. Jacek C.

    Wow when I come to city center I’m exited to see it

  11. Elyas S.

    Wow love the banner!😁

  12. Sarina A.

    That is so cool wow the banner is so amazing

  13. Mrs Donnelly

    The banner is incredible, I am so proud of the Year 6 team. I can’t wait to go into the city centre and see it!

  14. Muhammad B.

    I saw it when I went to town whith my family and it looks so good

  15. Ibrahim I.

    Wow well done,I love the banner

  16. Mohammed I.

    Wow well done I love the banner.

  17. Shivani P.

    Wow! The banner looks amazing ,well done everyone.

  18. Lusardo M.

    Well done on your six with the banner such a good banner.
    Where are you going to put it in BH?

    1. Head Teacher

      Don’t think we will get it back Lusardo.

  19. Lewis M.

    Well done year 6

  20. Aleena M.

    Well done year 6 for your hard work. πŸ‘πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€πŸ‘

  21. Aamina B.

    The banner is incredible!
    I can tell Year 6 put a lot of effort into this banner!

  22. Simin W.

    The banner is greatπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ!
    I saw it in the city centre and I think it is beautiful!πŸŒΊπŸ’•πŸ’ž

  23. Zoya N.

    I had seen this in town well done year 6 it looks awesome.

  24. Francesca L.

    I have saw this when I went in city center and I saw it and I said to my auntie that we made it.

  25. Adela C.

    the banner looks great well done everyone!πŸŽ‰

  26. Hasnain G.

    this banner is great!!

  27. Hudayifah A.

    I saw the banner it’s near primark (the shop), well done!

  28. Mrs Ahmed

    How exciting! I am proud that as a school we have created a powerful and relevant message for Coventry- The City of Culture!

    I wonder if anyone can put their Geography hat on and answer one of the questions below:

    Who can share the definition of ‘Sustainability’?

    What do the hands represent on this banner?

    Why was the word ‘Sustainability’ chosen when representing Coventry as the City of Culture?

    1. Saira S.

      Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
      The hands on the banner represent the hands of the global community.
      The word sustainability was chosen as you are thinking of the environment.

  29. Mrs Penavega

    It looks very impressive and is positioned in a prominent spot where everyone can see it. Well done to you all. You should all be proud.

  30. Aboubakar Y.

    I saw the banner when I went to town yeseterday.

    1. Luxor A.

      Same i saw it when I came from creams and west orchard

    2. Aylah D.

      It looks lovely, well done you should all be proud.

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