Describing objects using adjectives

Today the children learnt about adjectives. The went around the classroom describing different objects using an adjective.
Watch the clip below to see the children describing their objects.

What is a adjective?
Can you think of some words to describe your school?

4 responses to “Describing objects using adjectives”

  1. Aaron R.

    The adventure playground is big.
    It has a big field.
    It has lots of red and green tomatoes in the vegetable patch. Mrs Patel let us pick the red tomatoes to eat.

  2. Ebrar Y.

    We are wearing blue pe tisort
    School have big garden
    School wall red colour c

  3. Safiyyah A.

    An adjective is used to describe something.
    We have a big adventure playground in school
    We have little hard chairs
    Our teachers have big soft chairs

  4. Ameera K.

    Adjective is a word to discribe something.

    My school is big, has lots of things in there, school is for learning.

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