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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Over the last two days, children in Years 3 and 4 have had the chance to program and fly drones. They worked in teams guided by Sue from They had lots of fun, but gained some brilliant programming knowledge too.

Year 4
3 Blue
3 Red

What new skills did you learn?

Did you find anything tricky?

What BH values did you use? Explain how you used these.

23 responses to “Drone Days at BH”

  1. Welat M.

    I know some coding .
    I found hitting the target hard.
    I used teamwork because we all worked.

  2. Ibrahim M.

    I learnt a bit more how to code.
    I found the coding part hard.
    We used:
    Resilience and

  3. Yahya K.

    I learnt a bit more how to code.
    I found the coding part hard.
    We used:

    1. Yahya K.

      I used tenacity because at first the drone would go too far.
      I used respect because I held the drone respectfully.

  4. Mohammed K.

    I learnt how to fly a drone.
    I found doing the flip tricky.
    I used tenacity to flip the drone

  5. Amina J.

    I learnt how to fly a drone.
    I found that coding and hitting the target was super tricky.
    I used resilience because I tried and tried till I nearly got there but then we had to go.

  6. Karanbir B.

    I learnt how to fly a drone
    I found doing the setting up for the drone tricky
    I used teamwork because we all had jobs in our team and we had to follow all time.

  7. Aisha A.

    i loved the drone and also we had to learn about the safe bit’s first.

  8. Meena B.

    I learnt how to make the drone fly.
    I found that coding and hitting the target was super tricky.
    I used resilience because I tried and tried till I nearly got there but then we had to go.
    I was so fun and the cool thing was that it can flip and my team was flamingo.

  9. Sara K.

    I Love how you teach me how to flipped.

  10. Aiza B.

    I enjoyed everything 😃

  11. Tipian I.

    I learnt how to fly a drone .
    Nothing was tricky it was all easy .
    I had used teamwork and tenacity because I help my team and they help me .

  12. Alima S.

    We learn new skill by know how to fly a Drone.
    I found the flying bit tricky because it was had to score.
    Teamwork because we all had a turn to score.

  13. Sabiha K.

    We learnt how to flip the drones.
    I found hitting the bullzie was tricky.
    I used RESILIENCE because I had to try again and again.

  14. Aiza B.

    I had fun

  15. Mohammed E.

    I learned how to code a drone.
    Going to get the drone because there where people in my way.
    I used teamwork to help my team.

  16. Alinna A.

    The new skills I have learnt is coding and flying
    The coding was a bit tricky because it was hard to get on the 50
    I used teamwork by helping my friend and used respect by listening

  17. Adam O.

    We learnt how to code the drones.
    I found making the drone hit the bullseye hard.
    I used tenacity because when I was coding I tried every time then I could make the drone move into a square.

  18. Mopelola L.

    1. I learnt how to do coding and how to be safe when using drones.
    2. What I found tricky was getting the drone to hit the target.
    3.I used teamwork by helping my team.

    1. Myiesha S.

      I have learnt how to fly a drone and how to control it because I did not know what to do with drones.
      What I got tricky was making the drone hit the 50 target.
      We used teamwork to fly our dones by each of us having a go each at a time.

  19. Aaron G.

    The skills I have leant how to fly a drone
    What I found tricky was using the different codes
    I used respect because I listened to all the instructions

  20. Nma M.

    The new skill i learnt was never giving up .
    I found the coding a tiny bit tricky .
    The BH values i used were tenacity , and brilliance .

  21. Sania K.

    Skills I have learnt was patience because we had to wait for our turns .
    Yes I have found that the coding was a bit tricky .
    I have used teamwork this is because we all needed a job at all times .

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