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Let’s Perform A Sonnet!

This week in English, we have started our new poetry unit in Year 6. We have based our unit around sonnets, and let the children explore these using different examples. After learning the skills needed to examine poetry in depth, including identifying rhyme, rhythm and themes, the children began to perform these.

Listen carefully to your peers 6 White, what do you notice about the way they perform their poems? What do you like about the performance? What could be improved?

3 responses to “Let’s Perform A Sonnet!”

  1. Ibrahim M.

    Well done guys

  2. Tipian I.

    Well done
    I wish I could do it
    Good job

    1. Sameeha A.

      They were all very nice.
      They all added actions and expression.
      Show your face to the camera and try to not look at the poem

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