1 Blue have had an incredible week. This week the children have been learning to write instructions and commands. In Maths, the children learnt how to add two numbers by counting on. As well as looking at number bonds within 10 using numbers bracelets, cube towers and counters. In Science, the children looked at how to record the weather. They even looked closely at what a rain gauge does. All the children had a marvellous time at the cinema where they watched the film ‘Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds’.

Look below to see some of the amazing work that took place during this week.

Please remember to leave a comment.

Which activity did you enjoy today?
Can you write your number bonds for 7?
What is a rain gauge? What does it do?
Why do we need instructions?
What is a bossy verb?
Draw a picture of the film you watched at the cinema.
Write some instructions on how to make toast?

Remember to comment on the blog and to bring your work into school on Monday to win a prize from Mrs Shergill’s prize box.

20 responses to “1 BLUE’S WONDERFUL WORK!”

  1. Safiyyah A.

    I enjoyed going to the cinema to watch the movie
    3 and 4 makes 7, 2 and 5 makes 7, 1 and 6 makes 7
    A rain gauge tells us how much rain it is
    To know what to do
    It gives clear instruction
    Get my bread, put it in the toast when its ready I put it on a plate and put yummy Nutella on it

    1. Mrs Shergill (1B)

      Great answers. Can you write a sentence about what you enjoyed at cinema?

  2. Amina A.

    Take to pieces fo bread 🍞
    Putting in the tester cook in few mint and I spread jam and cheese I cut in two pieces
    It’s so yummy 😋

  3. Amina A.

    Today I go to cinema I really enjoy this movies
    Number bond 7
    6 + 1= 7
    3 +4 =7
    5+ 2=7
    4 + 2 += 7

    1. Mrs Shergill (1B)

      Well done Amina. Can you order the number bonds in a systematic way?

  4. Ameera K.

    Ameera completed all answers in her homework book.

    1. Mrs Shergill (1B)

      Well done I look forward to seeing your work.

  5. Ebrar Y.

    1-ebrar enjoyed number bonds
    Bossy word-ebrar said (touch your head)
    Toast instructions=
    First we get a bread and we put in the oven and put some butter and we get another bread and we put oven again and we put inside butter and we put some cheese,tomato

    1. Mrs Shergill (1B)

      Well done Ebrar! Can you write a sentence about how you made your toast?

  6. Adam K.

    Adam Said he enjoyed the cinemas trip.
    Number bonds to 7
    Adam said rain gauge is round and it collects the water when it rains and how much water is in there.
    It measures how much rain has gone inside Adam said.
    Bossy verb is when you get told to touch your nose, eyes and head etc and you do it.
    Instructions to make toast
    1. You get bread out the packet, you get butter, something to spread the bread and plate.
    2. You put the bread in the toaster and push the lever down.
    3. When pops up the bread get adult to take the toast out as its very hot.
    4.then you spread jam or butter on your toast
    5. You eat it yummy toast
    Adam has drew picture of cinema in his homework book

    1. Adam K.

      We need instructions so we know what’s next and what to do

    2. Mrs Shergill (1B)

      Fantastic work Adam! Can you order the number bonds for 7 in a systematic way. Which number would you star with?

  7. Ayaad H.

    1- Ayaad enjoyed cinema trip.
    2- Number bond for 7
    3- Rain gauge collect rain water and tell how much rain fall happen everyday.
    4- We need instructions to do our work properly otherwise we will do everything wrong.
    5- Bossy verbs are the verb when you give order or instructions to do something. For example; touch your head, roll a clay to make ball, open the window here touch,roll and open are bossy words.
    Ayaad will complete all other in homework book.

    1. Ayaad H.

      How to make toast?
      Take a piece of bread
      Put it in the toaster
      Switch the button on and wait
      When the bread jump up it is toasted
      Now take it out and put some jam then eat it.

      1. Mrs Shergill (1B)

        Wow, this is great! Can you write the instructions of how to make toast in your homework book. Write your number bonds in a systematic way. Which number will come first?

  8. Gaira M.

    A rain gauge measures rain
    A bossy verb is when you are asked to do something

  9. Gaira M.

    Mustafa enjoyed the number bonds
    We need instructions to know what we can do

    1. Mrs Shergill (1B)

      Good work Mustafa! Can you think of any other number bonds for 7?

  10. Aaron R.

    Which activity did you enjoy today?
    I enjoyed going to the cinema.
    Can you write your number bonds for 7?

    What is a rain gauge? What does it do?
    It fills with rain and you can measure the rain to see how much it goes everyday. If it’s sunny that means no rain in.
    Why do we need instructions?
    So we know what to do.
    What is a bossy verb?
    It’s a bossy word like Simon says touch your head so that means that touch is a bossy word cause it tells you what your supposed to do like your boss!

    Instructions for toast
    1. Get 2 pieces of bread if u like 2.
    2. Toast it in the toaster.
    3. Take it out when it jumps out itself.
    4. Choose jam or chocolate spread or butter and put it on the toast.
    5. Choose what way you want to cut it and then your mum will help you.
    6. You get to eat it!

    Aaron will draw a cinema picture and bring in.

    1. Mrs Shergill (1B)

      Wow, this is fantastic Aaron! You have written all of your number bonds in a systematic way and have given clear instructions on how to make toast. Well done superstar!

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