Maths Week in RW.

This week is Maths Week! We have been learning all about Number and the application of number in Reception. We were set a Crystal Maze style challenge for the week where each day we ‘visit’ a different country and complete a challenge involving a physical puzzle, mystery puzzle, skill puzzle and a practical puzzle. Take a look at our learning below, don’t forget to comment on your learning for this week in the comments section below.


PHYSICAL PUZZLE – To count actions and movements.

The children held a ‘mini olympics’ where they were challenged to see how many jumps, star jumps, knee raises etc they could do in 10 seconds. They counted each action carefully developing their counting skills beyond 5.

PRACTICAL PUZZLE – To recognise and match number shapes to 10.

The children used number shapes to match with outlines to create a superhero โ€˜city scapeโ€™.

MYSTERY PUZZLE – To count accurately.

As our country today was Greece the children were challenged to count the stripes on the Greek flag. They counted how many blue stripes there are and how many white stripes.

SKILL PUZZLE – To touch count accurately.

The children were challenged to use tweezers to place pom-poms onto their superhero. They had 1 minute to do this and afterwards had to use their touch counting skills to say how many they had.


PHYSICAL PUZZLE – To read numerals and count actions.

As explorers today the children were left a map! They followed the map reading numerals to 5 and counted actions as directed on the map.

PRACTICAL PUZZLE – To recognise and match numerals to 5.

The children โ€˜coloured by numberโ€™ to create their own Tutankhamen mask. They recognised numerals to 5 and colours when doing so.

MYSTERY PUZZLE – To recognise numbers in the school environment.

The explorers were set a challenge to see what numbers they could find in our school environment. They explored their surroundings in small groups and recorded their findings in a simple tally chart.

SKILL PUZZLE – To recognise and order numbers 1-5.

The explorers were challenged to dig for numbers in the sand! They worked together to recognise each numeral and order them correctly.


PRACTICAL PUZZLE – To recognise and form the number 2.

The children used a variety of different resources to create and form the number two.

MYSTERY PUZZLE – To subitise to 5 and match numeral.

The children developed their subitising skills when subitising numbers to 5 to read a Chinese numerals. They then matched these to numbers to 5.

SKILL PUZZLE – To form the number 2 correctly.

The children were tasked to see how many number 2โ€™s they can write inside a large number 2.

PHYSICAL PUZZLE – To develop 1:1 correspondence by counting carefully.

The children used tweezers to move noodles into a bowl, counting carefully as they went.


PHYSICAL PUZZLE – To match quantity to numeral.

The children used play dough to create up to 5 different objects and match quantity to numeral.

MYSTERY PUZZLE – To match number shape and recognise numbers.

The children matched the numicon to the Rangoli pattern. They could identify how many they had each time.

SKILL PUZZLE – To match quantity to numeral.

The children counted how many dots on a diva lamp and matched to the correct numeral.

PRACTICAL PUZZLE – To touch count accurately.

The children helped Dipal to spy his lost objects for his Diwali party, they then touch counted how many of each object they had.

2 responses to “Maths Week in RW.”

  1. Tamarah A.

    Maths week was lovely and was fun to form numbers in a different ways.

  2. Jwad A.

    It was a lovely week I enjoyed it a lot

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