Olympic Games in 5 White

Mrs a Frankish and Roger Medwell very kindly introduced the Year 5 Olympic Games.

As part of our History unit on the Ancient Greeks, today we have re-enacted the Famous Ancient Olympics. This would have been a time for displaying athletic prowess and celebrating the might of the Greek people. Throughout the day, we have learnt to take part in sport, take part in creative and learning activities all about this great civilisation.
We have taken part in Archery, Javelin, 100m sprint and the long jump.

Later in the day, the children made olive wreaths which were given to the winners of Olympic Games in Ancient Greece and are associated with Hercules in Greek mythology.

The Olympics is built on three key values, excellence, friendship and respect.
Excellence, which reflects all we do at Broad Heath and our motto of “to gain” is about striving to our personal best in all we do, athletic, academic and in our relationships with others.
Thw value Friendship celebrates the Olympic power to unite people from all over the world. Finally the shared school and Olympic value of Respect encourages us to show respect to yourself, the rules and your opponents.

What values have you used today?
How have you shown this?

We finished off the day with an award ceremony.

6 responses to “Olympic Games in 5 White”

  1. Kamil N.

    The Olympic day was remarkably fun and I enjoyed all of the activities, It was frankly fun so thank you for tolerating us to do this.

  2. Tipian I.

    Today was really fun , there was so many things that was special about today . Congratulations to the winners , better luck next time everyone else . I have used empathy because in every second go I succeeded successfully.

  3. Zahraa Y.

    Good job everyone! You all did amazing! I feel really proud of myself for getting 3rd 🥉 place In the long jump!
    And I felt so scared doing the semi-finals yet I won! And I made it to the finals! Though sadly I didn’t make it in 1st 🥇 2nd 🥈 and nether 3rd 🥉 I think I was at 4th place!!
    Congratulations everyone we all did amazing and I’m absolutely tired and proud of everyone!

  4. Mohammed W.

    I have used friendship.
    I have shown this because when I lost the race I didn’t blame it on my friends.

  5. Xlexben F.

    I have showed kindness

  6. Raiyan K.

    Well done to all who tried and well done to those who won!

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