Olympics Day in 5 Blue!

The children in Year 5 have been learning about the Ancient Greeks in History this half term. As part of this, the children took part in an ‘Olympics Day’ today, commencing with a very special opening ceremony. We then took part in four Olympic games, featuring javelin, standing jumps, archery and a 100m race. The children competed within their classes, and enjoyed exercising many of our school values! Later, the children designed and created their own olive crowns, which were given to the winners in Ancient Greek times. Towards the end of the day, the children researched the history of the Olympic Games, studying each element in more detail and presenting a poster. To close the day, we held a closing ceremony, announcing the winners for each game. Well done 5 Blue for a brilliant day!

Olympic Games

Olive crowns

2 responses to “Olympics Day in 5 Blue!”

  1. Nuha I.

    Olympics Day was fun. I enjoyed making the Olive crowns and the sports activities we did outside.

  2. Tana I.

    Wow the pictures are amazing I enjoyed the long jump and the olive crown making

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