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Reminders for our trip to Stratford

Next Thursday, 2nd May, we will be on our trip to Stratford-upon-Avon. As part of our trip, we will be visiting the MAD Museum and Holy Trinity Church.

We will be setting off just after the registers and will return by the end of the school day (leaving Stratford around 2pm)

It is currently forecast to rain and we will be spending a lot of time outside. Please do send your child in a warm and waterproof coat and sensible shoes for a lot of walking. If the forecast changes and it is sunny, please ensure sun cream is applied before they come to school.

The children will need to carry their belongings throughout the day so will need a back pack to carry their lunch. Please send a bottle of water and a healthy, nut-free lunch (if your child is usually packed lunches). If your child usually has a school dinner, they will provided with a school lunch, but will still need a water bottle to keep them hydrated.
The children will not have time for snacks throughout the day and normal packed lunch guidelines remain.

School uniform is to be worn, with a school jumper but trainers are okay as footwear. If your child attends rugby club, they need to wear PE kit with a school jumper.

Medicines must be given to the office and a form signed for any medicine to be administered. Please do not send any medication with your child. It must go to the office. This includes medicated creams and cough sweets.

If your child needs travel sickness tablets, please give your child their morning dose before they arrive at school. Please be aware we will be leaving Stratford at approximately 2pm. If your child requires another dose before the journey home, please ensure they have taken their first dose early enough that we can administer the second dose.

If you have any further questions, please speak to a member of the year 5 team.

3 responses to “Reminders for our trip to Stratford”

  1. Arfa S.

    Thank you for the information!

  2. Anaya R.

    I’m so excited!!😄

  3. Manha S.

    Thanks for the info..

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