SCIENCE All about properties of materials…

Today Red group went outside looking at different properties of material. Mrs.Patel was very impressed with the super vocabulary you used. Eg Solid and Transparent. Enjoy the short video of the evidence.

Challenge :

Can you name some different properties of material you have at home please.

4 responses to “SCIENCE All about properties of materials…”

  1. Ayaad H.

    Glass for drinking water in kitchen are fragile.
    My teddy toy and pillow are soft.
    Stones in front house on the ground are hard.
    Paper stick on fridge with magnet ball.
    Door are hard.
    Stickers on books are shiny.

  2. Adam K.

    My mummy mirror is glass, my carpet is soft, my picture fridge magnet is magnetic sticks to the fridge and my door is hard

  3. Ebrar Y.

    Plasterboard is hard, the doors are hard, laminate is hard,

    1. Mrs J Patel

      Wow well done Ebrar you found three things that are all hard from your house. you can have a sticker tomorrow from Mrs.Patel.

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