Fast fashion is a term used to describe cheap and low quality clothing that are rapidly produced and are cycled in and out the market quickly to meet new trends.

While fast fashion produces clothes fast there are many problems associated with it.

Think about

– What are the pros of fast fashion?

– Why do retailers use fast fashion?

– What impact does fast fashion have on the environment?

– What solutions are there for sustainable fashion?

44 responses to “Sustainable fashion”

  1. Israa F.

    1.What are the pros of fast fashion?
    A pro of fast fashion is the designs are nice for a cheaper price.
    It can let people below the poverty line be able to wear trendy fashion.
    This type of fashion can help retailers gain more money as it’ll sell out quickly due to it’s low price.

    1. Israa F.

      Isra and Fariha

  2. Safa K.

    1. I believe the pros of fast fashion are its affordable and trendy.
    2.I think retailers use fast fashion because they will gain more money.q
    3.The impact fast fashion has on the environment is negative landfill because when people buy new clothes, they throw away the old clothes.
    4.The solutions for sustainable fashion are passing down old clothes to younger siblings or other family members, if your clothes have a rip in them you can sow them, give them to charity or even sell them.
    Safa Kaif

  3. Muhammad J.

    1. I believe that pros of fashions are to make it affordable for others and to stay comfy and stay really healthy.
    2. I think that retailers of fashions are when they like sell the stuff really fast.
    3. I have learnt that fast fashion has environment by they have about like so many expensive stuff on the website they have like lots of money clothes.
    4. In my opinion sustainable fashion you can donate to charity or you can maybe get some of your siblings clothes and then you can ask them if you can donate it to charity or maybe you can have their clothes or they might give it to you to wear.

    1. Muhammad J.

      2. They have jobs but it’s low pais

  4. Hasan S.

    What are the pros of fast fashion?
    In my opinion a pro of fast fashion is the customers would get there cloths or anything they order comes to them faster.
    Why do retailers use fast fashion?
    I believe that there products and profits will sell quickly and more will be sold and they will have more customers.
    Many of the people of the public state.Some people like fast fashion some people don’t at all.It will can be passed down. A lot of people rely on fast fashion.

    1. Hasan S.

      Abraham and Hasan

      1. Hasan S.

        And plus people adore fast fashion

    2. Hasan S.

      Fast fashion impacts our environment this does involve pollution and our clothes could spread love ❤️

  5. Surinder J.

    1) From our debate in Year 6, I think that fast fashion is very trendy and it is affordable. It has lots of styles and it helps the countries makes more money. I believe that people also make huge profits.

    2) In my opinion, fast fashion is bad for the environment because fast fashion gives 10% of annual global carbon emissions. Although fast fashion may look good, fast fashion clothes are thrown into the ocean with toxic dyes inside the clothing which makes our ocean not only less clean, but also more toxic.

    Yaw and Surinder

    1. Surinder J.

      Also, another pro of fast fashion is that 60% of Nigeria lives under the poverty line. So the less it cost the more they will buy.

  6. Shahzad S.

    1.I believe that the pros of fashion is that it makes you look trendy.
    2.Many people believe, retailers use fast fashion because they want to make more money quickly.
    3.In my opinion, the impact is that it ruins the greenhouse and is bad for the environment including lots of chemicals.
    4.From my learning this unit, they need to use less chemicals so it doesn’t affect the environment so they should give it a very good wash.
    Abdul and Shahzad

    1. Shahzad S.

      2.When retailers make more money is means that their turnover gets greater great for people that have a low paying job or even jobless

  7. Manvi R.

    1. They are trendy and are more affordable.
    2. In my opinion, more people buy fast fashion and find that it is easy to purchase.
    3. Although many people like fast fashion, it has a negative impact on our environment as many people throw out fast fashion clothes just because they aren’t trendy anymore, which end up in a land.
    4. Some solutions for sustainable fashion are ; buying better quality clothes , buy less , wear some clothes from older siblings , wear clothes from sustainable brands.

  8. Afreen S.

    1. One of the ways that fast fashion is better it is that it is more affordable than any other clothes. I also believe that it is more trendy then sustainable fashion it also helps poor countries get more money. In my opinion fast fashion is great because it helps small shops out from buying there brand.

    2. Fast fashion is actually bad for the environment because fashion gives
    10% of annual carbon emissions which is horrible for the world .
    From Afreen and Muhammad .R

  9. Leon T.

    1. The pros of fast fashion is that it is stylish and very cheap.
    2. Retailers use fast fashion because it is easy to sell because customers buy it quick because it is cheap.
    3. The impact that fast fashion has on the environment is people throw it away and it goes on the land and also the chemicals in them make people I’ll.
    4. The solutions for sustainable fashion is that it helps the Earth and you can reuse by stitching or passing it down to your your younger siblings. If you want you to be kind you can give it to needy people or charity or sell it on websites.

    Leon and Muhammad.

  10. Prisha T.

    What are the pros of fast fashion?
    The pros of fast fashion are that it is affordable and there is more profit for the companies.
    Why do retailers use fast fashion?
    Retailers use fast fashion so they can be quicker with customer’s designs.

  11. Lillie S.

    1. It’s cheap and quick
    2. They use this because it doesn’t take much sewing

  12. Yogitha K.

    What are the pros of fast fashion?
    They make it affordable and make them out of waste that people have used.
    Why do retailers use fast fashion?
    It is easy to wear and make.
    People make it cheap and they make it affordable so people buy it.
    What impact does fast fashion have on the environment?
    Well it does not impact on the environment because they are reusing the material and they are not throwing it out.
    What solutions are there for sustainable fashion?
    Buy less
    Buy from better quality
    Think twice before throwing out your clothes.

  13. Tahiyan C.

    Fast fashion is some type of fake clothing
    Because they are cheap
    They are bad for the environment because people are gonna bin it
    The solutions are to make the clothes cheaper

  14. Azaan H.

    1)What are the pros of fast fashion?
    The pros are your clothes can arrive really fast.
    2)Why do retailers use fast fashion?
    They use it so they get more money.
    3)What impact does fast fashion have on the environment?
    It don’t help the environment.
    4)What solutions are there for sustainable fashion?
    They could stop it.

  15. Muhammed A.

    What are the pros of fast fashion?
    We can wear clean clothes and get new clothes that fit us.
    – Why do retailers use fast fashion?
    They use fast fashion because it is affordable and can be use for 1 special occasion.
    – What impact does fast fashion have on the environment?
    It impacts the environment by polluting water, air and littering.
    – What solutions are there for sustainable fashion?
    There should be using different matrials

  16. Luxor A.

    The pros of fast fashion are there more cheaper and they look good.
    It impacts the environment because the materials you use.

  17. Sumayyah A.

    1. A pro about fast fashion is its cheap and many people can afford it.
    2. Retailers use fast fashion because they want money and it will be faster to get it to shops.
    3. Fast fashion has a big impact on the environment because they make it and throw away the clothes and it’s a big waste and can go to the seas/oceans.
    4. You can take time making the clothes and making good quality and people can wear it for a long time.

  18. Aisha R.

    The pros of fast fashion is that it is cheaper and faster.
    Retailers use fast fashion because they want to match the designs to famous brands and it is cheaper and faster.
    The impact that fast fashion has on the environment is that the fabric is made of plastic which ends up polluting oceans.
    Solutions for sustainable fashion is that you can buy cheap fabric from cheap shops and borrow old clothes from family and make clothes out of that.

  19. Amanah S.

    – What are the pros of fast fashion?
    The pros of fast fashion is that it’s cheap so literally anyone can get it and it’s trendy so you will match the latest fashion trends for less.
    – Why do retailers use fast fashion?
    Because many people would by it and they would make lots of money.
    – What impact does fast fashion have on the environment?
    they deplete non reusable sources and green house gasses
    – What solutions are there for sustainable fashion?
    We can buy clothes from sustainable brands and make sure there good quality.

  20. Gufran E.

    1. Pros for fashion
    Very affordable
    Made to replicate expensive fashion
    2. We use fast fashion to be worn instead of high quality clothing
    3 . They are bad for the environment because they are made from plastic.
    4. Instead you can use old clothes from your siblingsor relatives

  21. Nihit N.

    1. A pro for fast fashion is that the prices are more affordable.
    2. Retailers use fast fashion to match the desires of customers and it was faster with sewing 🧵 machines and is much cheaper.
    3. Fast fashion is mainly made of plastic and is usually ending up in landfill or the ocean which kills animals and harms the environment.
    4. You can get clothes from charities and op shops, reuse your siblings clothes and sew your torn clothes together.
    Kai, Abdurrahman and Nihit.

  22. Bilal H.

    They make more products and it’s faster.
    So they can sell more and get more money/equity.
    It can make underwater species extinctions higher chance

  23. Aysha R.

    Fast fashion is good because it will be faster and the customers don’t have to wait a long time and if it breaks you can sew it together or you can find new ways to make your clothes like tye dye your clothes .
    – aysha
    Fast fashion is bad because if it’s made in mass production it will break easier as the quality won’t be as good if it was made to order or even made in boxes of 10 or 20’s


  24. Mehar R.

    1.Fast fashions benefit are affordable prices and instant gratification for consumers,more profits for companies ,and the democratisation of stylish clothing.
    2 .They use locality

  25. Zaeem S.

    – What are the pros of fast fashion?
    We can stay warm and healthy then fix them however if you don’t like it you can sell it.If you don’t want to buy used clothes why is there websites for it.
    – Why do retailers use fast fashion?
    Because they want to sell them fast and quick so they don’t lose customers and they don’t want to lose there jobs us as kids would not understand what it’s like to work at a 10 hour shift to get money and also
    put food on the table if you would like to do it be my guest.
    – What impact does fast fashion have on the environment?
    It’s not our fault they are littering we are selling on website rather than buying 2000 pound jacket on used clothes websites you can get it for 9 pound or so.
    – What solutions are there for sustainable fashion?
    Used clothes for your sibling ,donate and buy from charity shops 🏬.

  26. Kaila M.

    Cons –
    What are the pros of fast fashion ?
    To many clothes get made and not all the clothes are sold
    – Why do retailers use fast fashion?
    They use fast fashion to gain more money and to have a job
    – What impact does fast fashion have on the environment?
    The clothes stay on the fashion line for a short amount of time and often they through the clothes away

    By Sana and Kaila

  27. Fatimah K.

    It is low quality
    Lots of landfill
    Damages easily
    The ocean gets polluted.
    Cost of the clothing.
    There will be lots of litter everywhere.
    It will be bad for the environment.
    Cheap materials and low quality manufacturing makes it last not very long.

    1. Fatimah K.

      Solutions are that you could upcycle and sew to make it to your liking when done with it.

  28. Ayaan B.

    They Make Fast Clothes
    You Can Ask A Person To Make Clothes Brand For Cheap For Example Gucci.
    It’s Fake
    You Guys Have Bad Quality
    Its Cheap
    But it’s bad for the environment
    -Ayaans Debate 🙄

  29. Aaminah A.

    Suraiyah and Aaminah are against team.
    Fast fashion is a bad choice as all clothes last for a short time and most clothes go to landfill and harm the environment. As well as that most clothes are made out of a cheap fabric which contains plastic which makes the actual clothes low quality. We should try to minimise the amount of clothing we buy.

  30. Safah D.

    (I’m on the pro side)

    1) The pros about fast fashion would be, how fast our costumers would receive the order and it would be wayy cheaper.
    2) Although it will be faster, the quality of or clothes will be rubbish

    1. Safah D.

      Our clothes*

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