Feel very humbled by the numerous parents that have come up to me regarding my retirement in July 23 from the school. Broad Heath will always be a  very important part of my life. I cannot put into words the impact that you and the Foleshill community have had on me.

As soon as I know anything regarding who the new Head will be , I will keep you updated. You can however rest assured that I will continue to give 100%to the children, my staff and the community. Service and duty until the end.

159 responses to “Thank you”

  1. Austin Q.

    I am very happy to be admitted to Broadheath School and become your student. Thank you for your help and encouragement to us all the time! Wish you all the best! We will miss you very much!🫶

    1. Head Teacher

      You are ace, you bring joy every day, keep on shining. You two are not one, both have great personalities that bring joy to any setting.x

  2. Inayha H.

    I would really miss your great personality and teaching. You are one of the best headteachers in the entire world! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to let me study in this school.

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you for being a great BH a pupil, keep on making me proud. X

  3. Welat M.

    I will miss you and you are the best headteacher ever.

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you what a lovely message – miss you too.x

  4. Muhammad Y.

    Thank you so much for taking care of the school and everybody has learned more because of the best headteacher.This school has achieved lots of education thank you for everything.

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you for taking the time to send me a message- appreciate it.x

  5. Mopelola L.

    I will miss you so much!Your the best headteacher ever.😇🥰😇🥹

    1. Head Teacher

      You are a fantastic young lady Mo…carry on being great.x

  6. Aiza B.

    We will all miss you. 🥹🥺😭

    1. Head Teacher

      Miss you too.x

  7. Amirah T.

    You are a brilliant headteacher and I wish you only the best. I will miss you and you are amazing!

    1. Head Teacher

      You are amazing too- never forget that X

  8. Tipian I.

    I’m really pleased the way you took care of all of us , during rough times you would always welcome all of us at the gate . You deserve this retirement of all of 20 years experience of serving head of this school. You give us enough equipment or resources for each days and tasks.You hired excellent trained teachers to teach us every day for 5 days a week .You treat everyone with care as they are your child. You open minds , lighten days and you will never be forgotten .I’m so sad you’re leaving.
    Kind regards Tipian

    1. Head Teacher

      Oh Tipian- what an accolade- are you training to be a school inspector?Thank you for your lovely words from a beautiful , young lady. x

      1. Tipian I.

        we all miss you

  9. Gift O.

    we will miss you so much you are the best head teacher you are the best.

  10. Gift O.

    we will miss you so much you are the best head teacher you are the best

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you and you are the best too.x

  11. Mya F.

    THan you be a best tech

  12. Ariyan S.

    I will miss my friend because they always play with me.

  13. Chavi L.

    We will miss u Mam. U are always a great inspiration to us and our kids. We wish u all the very best for ur future and do take care.

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you a lovely message and I appreciate this. x

  14. Delilah R.

    You are the best I will miss you ! You are the best.

    1. Head Teacher

      I will miss you too as you are a beautiful girl with such a kind heart! x

  15. Marwah K.

    I really will miss you sooo much I am so worried about if we will never have another head teacher I’m so worried😣

    1. Head Teacher

      Dont be worried, you are mature enough to cope, you will be fine Marwah x

  16. Latifa A.

    Bye I will miss you a lot I love you Mr petal and Mrs Frankish

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you x

  17. Aatifa A.

    Thank you for being an amazing headteacher!I will miss you.

    1. Head Teacher

      You are amazing too, never forget that. X

  18. Isaiah W.

    You are amazing to this school

    1. Head Teacher

      You are an amazing you man too. X

  19. Jwad A.

    Jad and jwad will always miss you 😣

    1. Head Teacher

      I will miss their beaming smiles and energy.x

  20. Alima S.

    You have been the best headteacher to me Abdul and Umarr we will always remember you for the great job you have done and you will always be the best Headteacher for the BH team.

    1. Head Teacher

      I will take away memories that will last me a lifetime, your family has been ace. X

  21. Surinder J.

    We will miss you Mrs Frankish!
    Thank you for being the best headteacher ever!

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you Surinder for being an excellent role model and ace pupil…so proud. X

  22. Nihit N.

    Goodbye, Mrs. Frankish! You will be missed.

    1. Head Teacher

      How will my mornings ever be the same? I will miss your lovely smile…you are great and so is your sister. X

      1. Nihit N.

        But I don’t have a sister, Mrs. Frankish.

        1. Head Teacher

          Sorry read you name as Nihal- apologies.

  23. Rayyan R.

    Thankyou for all of your time and effort you have given to the school.We will always remember you.

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you for the message and being a superstar at BH. X

  24. Israa F.

    Am gonna miss u so much, Mrs Frankish. You have been in the school since I first started broad health, I hope we all will see u again in the future, and someday we will be grateful for having the best head teacher ever. From the whole fasial to you.💕👍

    1. Head Teacher

      The whole F..family have been generous in spirit and have always given. You the children are great role models, thank you. X

  25. Khadeeja M.

    I will never forget you about all you have done thank you.
    You are so busy in school but you never give up I WILL MISS YOU.The best. 😔 😢

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you, to be the best you have to be have great children like you, keep shining…x

  26. Mopelola L.

    We will definitely miss you as you have been a great head teacher and one that I always brag about to my friends in other schools. I will miss you 😔

    1. Head Teacher

      I will miss you Mo..with the big… which is our greeting. You are a great girl, keep shining. X

  27. Hanfaa N.

    Thank you for the information and you have been a lovely Headteacher and i will surely miss you and what you have done for the school!🥰😭

    1. Head Teacher

      Ahh Hanfaa and yiu are a lovely pupil. Make sure in Year 6 you continue to shine because you are a star.x

      1. Hanfaa N.

        Thank you!

  28. Myiesha S.

    We are all greatfull for having a headteacher,some children out there don’t even have schools to teach them.
    You were a great hedteacher to others in BH.
    We will all miss you very badly.😪😥😭😰

    1. Head Teacher

      I will miss you too, your lovely smile and kindness. Carry on being great.x

  29. Zaeem S.

    That you for all your time to this school you are very resilient and you never give up thank you for everything.

    1. Head Teacher

      I hope you continue to apply the values you have gained at BH at secondary school when you leave. You are a great role model.x

  30. Sumayyah A.

    We will all miss you Mrs Frankish and we hope that the rest of your life will be happy and healthy and thanks for being a great and wonderful headteacher. Overall remember your amazing!

    1. Head Teacher

      You are amazing too, it has been a pleasure to have you as a pupil at BH, you are ace.x

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