
This is me week in 4 white

WOW a fantastic start to the year 4 White! You have all settled well into the year 4 way of life and set the bar high in all areas.

During our first week, you have created some great artwork and worked well as a team. Watch the video below to see some your amazing learning!

What was your favourite activity this week and why?

What new skills did you learn?

What Broad Heath values did you use?

What makes you unique?

3 responses to “This is me week in 4 white”

  1. Hamza M.

    My favourite activity was the dragon eye because I liked colouring the eye and sketching it. I learned how to use my coding skills to making a scene of hiccup and toothless. The broad heath values I used this week was tenacity and resilience. The thing that makes me unique is I’m good at football.

  2. Ilyas K.

    My favourite activity was making dragon eyes. I learnt how to sketch and how to learn to mix in colours. The BH values I used this week were Tenacity and resilience. I am unique because I make people laugh.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Your dragon’s eye sketch was brilliant. I agree with you making people laugh, it is a great quality to have!

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