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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


This Is Me Week in 5 Blue.

To kick start our first project week of, ’This Is Me’ for this new term. 5 Blue started off by discussing behaviour learning opportunities and the school values. Following on from this, we talked about new beginnings and emotions relating to this. We then went on to learn about the circus and created a poem of our clown.

Science was also implemented into our learning and we used our scientific skills to learn about friction that acts between moving surfaces. Art and design was within our learning this week and we had the opportunity to create tints, tones and shading with colour. To follow on from this, we researched the artist ‘Salvador Dali’ and made a mood board with different colours to show each mood. After this, we created monochromatic self portraits and applied our knowledge of tones, tints and shades to create them. A collage was created with different mediums and the schools values added onto them. We then discussed the definitions of theses words.

To finish this amazing week we created spinning plates and used our knowledge from the science lesson and applied balance and friction. We were privileged to have a circus visit our school today, so much fun and laughter was made. Take a look at our photos below.

What was your school value and is it’s definition?

What was your favourite learning activity of this week?

8 responses to “This Is Me Week in 5 Blue.”

  1. Ameen K.

    Kindness: to help,others

  2. Inayha H.

    My value was honesty and it means to never lie and always be honest. My favourite part of the week was the spinning plate.

  3. Yedullah S.

    My school value was honesty and it means to be honest and not lie.
    My favorite activity was when we designed the spinning plates.

  4. Noah J.

    I loved this because it was a amazing way to show are skills and get ready for the year ahead.

    1. Noah J.

      My school value is imagination this means when you have picture in your mind of something or someone.

  5. Nuha I.

    My school value was tenacity, the meaning of tenacity is when you keep on trying to be better at something. My favourite learning activity this week was when we created the spinning plates.

  6. Abdul Y.

    The value me and Ibraheem did was teamwork which means to work together.

  7. Ramarni J.

    The school value me and Kanishka was doing was resilience and it means keep on trying and trying and never give up. The activity I enjoyed was the poster about colour and the collage they were really fun to do!.

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