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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

It’s that time of the year again! We will be celebrating this day and we hope we have everyone dressing up in their favourite outfits inspired by books, authors and illustrators!

Every year group will have their own book to link your learning to which your teachers will share with you closer to the day.

Here are some ideas for you to come in a book related outfit. Remember that you do not have to buy an outfit but you can make and put things together at home.

44 responses to “World Book Day -Thursday 2nd March 2023”

  1. Alzahra R.

    Can I wear Michael darling pyjamas in Peter Pan?

  2. Inarah T.

    Inarah looking forward for tomorrow

  3. Faris B.

    I am glad it’s nearly world book day

  4. Amelia R.

    Hello its amelia mum please can I know what 2 red book they r learning please, world book day is only on Thursday so we can sort a costume out please thank you

    1. Mrs Penavega

      Hello Amelia’s mum. Thank you for your comment. We are going to be sharing a book called ‘Pirate Pete’ so if you are sorting out a costume, it would be great if it was pirate based.

  5. Safa M.

    Thank you for the information.

  6. Kevin R.

    Can I please know which book 6 Red will be doing so I can source a costume this week while they are off. Thank you, Mum 😊

    1. Mrs Morris

      Good morning
      Year 6 will be looking at a variety of extract from different Roald Dahl texts, so any character in any of his books would be great.
      Please don’t go any buy anything new, I’m sure Kevin could design and create a costume.
      Thank you.

      1. Kevin R.

        Perfect. Thank you 😊

  7. Ebenezer O.

    Ok I will wear a costume

  8. Maryum N.

    Thanks for the Information:

  9. Noah M.

    Mr carter l am definitely wearing a pirate suit.

  10. Surinder J.

    Thanks for the info

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