On Tuesday 10th October, we would like everyone in school to say something nice to another individual. Some might see this as a challenge, at Broad Heath it is something that comes to us naturally. What will your message be?

64 responses to “World Mental Health Day 2023”

  1. Abdulahi D.

    This is for everyone-everything doesn’t need to be perfect because everyone makes mistakes once in their life

  2. Harun A.

    be kind to everyoneπŸ˜€

  3. Mahid H.

    I like when it’s sunny β˜€οΈ 🌞 😎

  4. Ayman Q.

    Ayman wants to say to all his friends SAVE WATER as it is essential for us.

  5. Miss Akhtar

    The world is a brighter place with all of you in it!

    1. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

      That’s lovely Miss Akhtar – and Broad Heath is with you too!

  6. Esha H.

    I liked your dress at school today, meva.
    And mrs raja-khan, i like your lipstick colour everyday.because i love lipstick too.β˜ΊοΈπŸ™‚πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸ˜ŽπŸ’œπŸ‘πŸ§šπŸ₯³

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      What a lovely comment. You are such a kind person!

  7. Karanbir B.

    Thank you mr andrews for talking to me and quizzing me.

    1. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

      You’re welcome Karanbir – I enjoy the chances we get to quiz one another!

  8. Mr Mahmood

    Rishaan – “I would like my best friend to know that he is a good listener and is always there for me.”
    Rabia – “Saliha is always kind to me.”
    Hadi – “My friend is kind so I hope he smiles all the time.”
    Hosanna – “My friend is kind and she cares about me, and I love her.”

    1. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

      Ah wow, these are lovely – thank you everyone for your kind words

  9. Mrs Penavega

    1W discussed this and said that they would be nice by caring for others, showing respect and giving a compliment to make them feel good. Mahid would smile and say I like your hair. Khadijah said she would say to Mrs Patel that she likes the heart shapes on your top. Umar would say don’t be scared on the Adventure Playground.

    1. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

      Thank you Mrs Penavega – some lovely comments here.

  10. Logan B.

    Logan said hi to Lily and u ok and he said lilly is very kind to him and she helpful

    1. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

      That’s great to hear. thank you for sharing!

  11. Junnut M.

    I want all the teachers to know that they are beautiful xx

    1. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

      What a kind comment. We will make sure they receive this message!

  12. Ibrahim M.

    Thank you for being kind to me in school.

    1. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

      You are welcome. thank you for your kindness

  13. Alie-Junior K.

    I would say respect to each others.

    1. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

      A great thing to try to achieve!

  14. Lily W.

    I want Azra to know I like you because you are a good friend ! And your beautiful love lily s

  15. Amelia A.

    My message will be ,to be kind to everyone !

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      It was great to see people being so kind and thoughtful.
      Thank you

  16. Rayyan M.

    You are so helpful and kind.

  17. Aiza B.

    Thank you for the information πŸ˜€πŸ‘

  18. Warizah I.

    My massage is you are my best friend and I like you

  19. Ameera K.

    You are very nice and i want to be a friend with you

  20. Sonia P.

    To be kind and happy to all people 😊

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      You are always kind.

  21. Neda S.

    Tomorrow i will be a nice person and respect my teachers and everyone else 🫢

  22. Nma M.

    My message would be smile and don’t worry about stuff and just think about good stuff. Your doing great and you don’t know how many good stuff could happen to you in your life. The more you smile, the more successful you’ll get.

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan


  23. Tamarah A.

    my message is be kind to everyone.

  24. Adam K.

    I like playing with you.
    Thank you for being nice and kind to me at school.

    1. Marceline C.

      I love all my friends in the classroom and I like my teachers because they friendly.

  25. Haitham B.

    To Kian,
    You are my best friend because you are kind and we have fun together

  26. Mahid H.

    I want to say to my teacher her smile is beautiful and she is very kind πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ˜˜

  27. Hurayn A.

    Tomorrow I will help someone who needs help. πŸ€—

  28. Tana I.

    Thank you for the information

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