Year 3 Reading Challenge Spring 1

We learnt about information texts last term, can you apply your knowledge to answer the questions below about this information text?

Read this information text and then complete the challenges. Answer in full sentences.

Bronze: What was the Roman Empire? Which two materials can a toga be made from? Describe what a Roman woman would wear?

Silver: Write 3 sentences about the Roman Empire using subordinating conjunctions.

Gold: Improve one of the sections by adding more adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions.

Platinum: Make a poster showing the information you have learnt from this text. Summarise your learning.

117 responses to “Year 3 Reading Challenge Spring 1”

  1. Eliza N.

    Girls wore any length tunic but boys wore a ankle length tunic
    Boys wore a bullet at the age of 16 but girls wore it until the day they were married
    Boys can join the Roman army however girls had to stay home and look after there children
    Women wore lovely long tunic to their ankles, however the men wore tunics up to their knees. The women would also wear a dress called a stola over there tunics. This looked like a lovely draped material which went over their shoulder. The stola was held up by a beautiful, solid brooch.

  2. Ebnezere A.

    The Roman empire is the name used to group the lands that were controlled by the Romans
    Limen and wood
    Women were a longer tunic than men which want down to there ankles . The roman were a group of people because many soldiers fought in the roman army. The Roman army did not come from Rome they came from one of the lands that they as join the the roman army.

  3. Arjun G.

    Bronze: A Roman Empire is a large land that is tanking over by a bunch of people
    wall and linen
    a roman girl would were a toga
    silver: A empire is a large land that people has a taken over. This is called the roman empire because this empire is taken over by romans. this empire is token over Europe, North Africa and the middle east.
    Gold: The romans were a group of people that were fighting for a bigger Empire that will make there community bigger and stronger.

  4. Awais J.

    The Roman empire,faught. in many battles.
    The Roman empire build straight roads in the British empire.
    The Roman Empire, defeated a whole of the Mediterraneam

  5. Ebnezere A.

    The roman woman wear a beautifully dress called a stola.

  6. Ebnezere A.

    The roman empire spreaded different countries.
    Every other that the Roman empire had was 30 kg.
    Roman men wear a tunic and Roman woman wear stole

  7. Ebnezere A.

    A toga is made of lien and wood.
    The city was name after Rome.

  8. Haroon E.

    Bronze: What was the Roman Empire? it was a
    place Which two materials can a toga be made from? Describe what a Roman woman would wear? They weard a stola

  9. Eva H.

    The Roman Empire took over because the empire group of people that were in the army the toga is made of white wool Roman woman wore an ankle length tunic
    1)the Roman Empire worked a shelter plate a headpiece and a shield
    All the romans attacked everywere

  10. Tinuola T.

    The Roman Empire was an empire that were named after the city of Rome.
    A toga could be made out of wool or linen.
    The Roman Empire fought many battles because they wanted more slaves and land.
    They washed their clothes and brushed their teeth with urine that was disgusting.
    If a Roman walked off without permission they would get pushed off a cliff trying to run away and if they woke up late or complained they would get beaten, screaming in pain.
    Gold: ⬆️

  11. Subodh K.

    The Roman Empire is the name used to group the land that were controlled
    The Roman girls wear a stola and a brooches.

  12. Jegor S.

    Men wore a tunic on his neck and a toga.
    They brushed the teeth with wee.
    They give us strayt rowds .
    The fight the amaze

  13. Alya M.

    Woman wore a tunic which went down to their ankles

  14. Camarni H.

    The Roman empires is a group of people who try to control the people of different countries
    1. The Roman Empire lasted for 500 years and was created 2000 years ago
    2.They fought in the colosseum vs animals and other Roman
    3. They fought many battles but they lost some battles as well

  15. Awais J.

    Rome is capital of Morden day Italy and it was the city at the centre of the Roman Empire .
    A toga can be made of white wool and linen.
    Roman girls wore along tunic rich Roman girls wore a brooch.

  16. Sidra M.

    What was the Roman Empire? Lands controlled by the Romans – includes parts of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
    Which two materials can a toga be made from? Made from white wool or linen.
    Describe what a Roman woman would wear? Roman women wore a long tunic and a dress called a stola with lots of jewellery such as brooches.

  17. Sardar O.

    1. Girl wir sift clods
    2. Roman’s Empire was fiting
    And they mask them self saef and wir saef Klondike
    3. The Roman is fantastic and brilyant

    1. Vanessa N.

      Gir wir sift clos a chonac Dane ther score and ther wir stole to preta foam the e or easy they tech it off after they get Merida Roman Empire

  18. Abigail F.

    The Roman empire is the name used to group the lands that were controlled by the Romans.
    Toga made from white wool and Linen.
    Roman’s women worn expensive long dresses and jewelleries.

    1. Abigail F.

      The Roman empire is the name used to group the lands that were controlled by the Romans.
      Toga made from white wool and Linen.
      Roman’s women wore expensive long dresses and jewelleries.

  19. Sandra A.

    The Roman Empire take over because the empire was a group of people that were in the Army
    The toga is made from wite wool
    Roman woman wore a ankle length tunic
    1) The roman empire wored a Shelter plate,
    a headpiece and A shield
    2) All the Roman attack everywhere

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