This weeks homework will be practising the 4 times table. Please use Hit the Button to practise and then write it out in you books. If the 4 times table is too hard, try the 3 times table instead.

This weeks English homework will be to complete the Reading Challenge. Please either answer in your books or on the blog.

45 responses to “Year 3 Week 1 Homework”

  1. Neron O.

    being in year 3 is new to all of us

  2. Liyana M.

    I have completed my maths homework in my book.
    And played the game on TTRS.

    I have wrote down Captain Hook description in my book

  3. Freya S.

    Hi I can’t find this week’s homework for year 3 white

  4. Bilaal K.

    On hit the bottin i got 23/23.

  5. Arham S.

    I got 22 out of 22 on my 3 times table in hit the button.

  6. Aurora H.

    Aurora has played hit the button scoring 20/20

  7. Amelia R.

    I have done all my home work

  8. Ahsan M.

    Ahsan scored 15 out 22

  9. Roshaan K.

    I have done my all of homework. Thanks!

  10. Maryam K.

    Maryam has completed the reading challenge on the blog. She played the 3 times table on hit the button and has written it in her book.

  11. Aisha A.

    Rahman got 11 out of 12

    busy, exciting, great, little, sad
    We went to the busy shop.
    My birthday party was so exciting.
    The lambirgini was super fast.

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