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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


Please read the text and answer the questions.


Complete the rapid maths activity on Education city.


You have two tasks to choose from this week:

Task 1- Research and create a fact file about the first Tudor King, Henry VII


Task 2- Create your own battle maps of the Battle of Bosworth

77 responses to “Year 4 Homework- Week 1”

  1. Kamil N.

    1. Annie
    2. Born 23 of April 1564
    Died in 1616.
    3. Had daughter in 1564
    Love and jealous

  2. Noor A.

    23April 1564
    Daughter Susana in 1583
    Love and jealousy

  3. Hudayifah A.

    2.Born 23rd April 1564.
    Died in 1616.
    Had a daughter in 1583.
    3.Love and jealousy.
    Did wow in book.

  4. Umama H.

    1. Anne
    2. He was born on 23rd April 1564. William died on 23rd of April 1616.
    William and Anne had a daughter called Susanna in 1538.
    3. Jealousy and love
    I did wow and maths

  5. Zahra D.

    1. William Shakespeare’s wife was called Anne.
    2. William Shakespeare’s birthday is on the 23rd April 1564.
    3. William Shakespeare died on the 23rd April 1616.
    4. William and Anne had a daughter called Susana in 1583.
    5. 2 themes of story’s that William wrote was love and jealousy.
    I have don maths and got 96

  6. Lexi M.

    I have scored 93% on education city.

  7. Tana I.

    I did my homework ✅📚

  8. Maryam N.

    1) Anne
    2) 1-3 2-2 3-1
    3) jealously and love

    I did wow and I will bring it into school

  9. Haroon E.

    Roald Dahl was born in september 13th 1969.
    He was born in the country wales.
    He wrote the book called the fantastic fox.
    He was 4 when his dad died.
    He wrote about 19 children books.
    I will send you the map.

  10. Zahraa Y.

    1) Anne was Shakespeare’s wife
    2)he dies at the 23rd of April 1616
    William and Anne had a daughter called susanna in the 23rd if April 1564
    William Shakespeare is thought to be born 1583
    3) he made themes of love and jealousy

    I have done my math English is my 2nd piece of homework

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