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Year 4 PE and Swimming Information

We have had a great start to the new academic in year 4. ‘This is me’ week has brought lots of smiles to the children’s faces and they have been enthused and excited by their learning.

A few reminders for parents. PE and swimming will start on Monday 9th September.


PE will be on Mondays. All children must come to school in plain, dark bottoms and a blue t-shirt with the Broad Heath logo on it.


Swimming will be on a Wednesday, however we ask that all kits are brought into school on Monday. We will ensure these are sent back home after swimming so that they can be washed. Children must come in to school wearing their PE kit on this day.

If you have any questions, please ask any member of the year 4 team.

3 responses to “Year 4 PE and Swimming Information”

  1. Elgin A.

    Ok thanks😃😃😃

  2. Abdul A.

    Ok thank you

  3. Aqsa S.

    Ok thank you

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