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Year 4 Thinktank Museum Trip Reminder

Good morning Year 4!

As you know, on Thursday 25th April we shall all be visiting the Thinktank Science Museum as part of our changing states unit. Below is some extra information that I would like you and your parents/carers to be aware of prior to the trip.

Children are expected to wear school uniform for the day.

If you normally have school dinners, a packed lunch will be provided for you. If you normally have a packed lunch, please bring one with you as you would normally do. No fizzy drinks or sweets. We will allow a small packet of crisps and a small chocolate biscuit. Water is best, but squash is also okay. Please bring your lunch in a disposable plastic bag so you have less to carry in the afternoon.

Please be in school for 8:45am so we can leave on time.

We are all really looking forward to the trip, as I know you are too. If you have any questions about it, please ask your class teacher.

Thank you,

The Year 4 Team.

8 responses to “Year 4 Thinktank Museum Trip Reminder”

  1. Minnah M.

    I had fun ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  2. Minnah M.

    Can you bring a chocolate bar ?

  3. Chavi L.

    Thanku for informing. Have a lovely trip all of u

  4. Rayan M.

    I will definitely be there for all of you

  5. Hamza M.

    Thank you for the reminder.

  6. Zakariyah T.

    ok thanks for telling me

  7. Charis O.

    Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š

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