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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Hi year 5! Here is your homework for the weekend. Please choose two pieces and complete by Wednesday morning.

Please also remember to complete your handwriting task with your Week 5 spelling words.


To use known facts to solve unknown facts. 

An activity has been set for you on Education City (Secret Agent Sten).


To write a travel brochure

Using your knowledge of travel brochures, write a brochure about Coventry, encouraging people to visit here. Make it bright, colourful and persuasive.


To know how to address bullying. 

Make a comic strip showing how to deal with an incident of bullying. Present this neatly.

9 responses to “Year 5 Homework Autumn 2 Week 4”

  1. Ibraheem T.


  2. Lucas R.

    I have done maths and wow homework.

  3. Retaj I.

    I have done education city my score was 97% and I did English in my homework book

    1. Head Teacher

      Retaj this is great but you should be in bed by 9 at the latest.

  4. Mehreen I.

    I have done my maths work on education city.
    I have done my English on my homework book.

  5. Ayaan M.

    I completed maths and got 97% and did wow and will bring in on Monday.

  6. Hudayifah A.

    I restarted maths because it was glitchy and didn’t let me proceed when I got it correct

  7. Tipian I.

    I done my maths and english

  8. Haroon K.

    I have completed my Wow and my Maths homework in my homework book.

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