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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Hi Year 5,

Here is your homework for the weekend. Please complete both challenges and your spelling words as a handwriting task.

Remember the best challenge from each class will win a prize!

If you are not in school on Wednesday and Thursday, here are some tasks to keep your brains active.

11 responses to “Year 5 Spring 2 Week 2 Homework”

  1. Lucas R.

    This is Lucas mum the link for the reading challenge isn’t working for us.

  2. Tipian I.

    Done ✅ ☑️ ✔️

  3. Ayaan M.

    I completed my challenges in book and will bring in tommorow

  4. Billing Karanbir

    I’ve done my maths challenge but thn reading challenge article dosent work

  5. Isah C.

    I’ve done my hm

  6. Billing Karanbir

    Do we have to do it in our homework book?

  7. Tana I.

    I did my homework

  8. Elyas A.

    I did my learning at home

    1. Elyas A.

      And share it on the sharepoint

      1. Elyas A.

        Wrong one

  9. Haroon K.

    I have done both homework in my homework book.

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