School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

1Blue – PSHE Growing Up

For PSHE, some children shared how their needs have changed from when they were babies to now, as super smart children. They also shared what job they would love to have when they are older.

5 responses to “1Blue – PSHE Growing Up”

  1. Salman O.

    When I was a baby I needed milk from my mum.
    When I was a baby I am not patient and I need lots of sleep.
    When I grow up I would like to be a sport coach.

  2. Dhonshan R.

    When I was as a little baby, I needed milk in little baby bottle and little baby toy.

  3. Noah M.

    When l was a baby l a small bed and it must be closed and a small door so l don’t fall but now l sleep in normal bed.
    When l grow up l want to be a professor .

  4. Roshaan K.

    When I was a little boy I needed a bottle 🍼

  5. Latifa A.

    I needed a long chair but now I need a normal chair.

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