Iron wool combustion experiment – 5 White

Today in science we have been answering the big question: Are all chemical actions reversible?
We sorted through a number of different pictures each of which showed a different reaction and decided whether it was reversible or irreversible.
We learnt the three elements that are needed to create a fire.

We carried out an experiment to find out if mass is changed when making fire.

What are the three elements needed for a fire?
Did the mass of iron wool change? What were the results?
Name 3 things that are reversible?
Can you name some signs of chemical reactions?
What is the new substance formed when fire occurred?

4 responses to “Iron wool combustion experiment – 5 White”

  1. Noor A.

    The three elements you need to start a fire with are heat fuel and oxygen.
    When we put the battery near the iron wool it showed little sparks.
    The three things that are rivisable are chocolate melting sugar dissolved into water and puddle evaporating.
    The signs of chemical reations are evolution of gas.
    The new substance when fire is occurred is carbon dioxide.

  2. Xlexben F.

    1. What are the 3 elements to start a fire?
    They are heat, oxygen, and fuel.
    iron wool change? What were the results?
    Did the mass of the iron wool change and it got lighter? The results are that there were little Did the mass of iron wool change? What were the results? Sparks and the iron wool went from 0.55 to 0.45.
    3. Name 3 things that are reversible?
    They are hot water, melted chocolate, and a puddle evaporating.
    4. Can you name some signs of chemical reactions?
    The iron wool and batteries made little sparks and they make little flames
    What is the new substance formed when the fire occurred?
    It is carbon dioxide.

  3. Miski M.

    What are the three elements needed for a fire?
    The three elements needed for a fire are fuel, heat and oxygen.
    Did the mass of iron wool change? What were the results?
    The mass of the iron wool did change and it got lighter. The results are that there were little sparks and the iron wool went from 0.55 to 0.45.
    Name 3 things that are reversible?
    Chocolate melting, water boiling and puddle evaporating.
    Can you name some signs of chemical reactions?
    Color change and change of temperature.
    What is the new substance formed when fire occurred?
    Carbon dioxide.

  4. Tipian I.

    1.The 3 elements of a fire is oxygen , fuel and heat.
    2.When you added the battery to the wool the mass increased because the most battery you put the more iron will go into the wool.
    3.The 3 things that are reversible are sugar dissolved in water , oil mixed with water and chocolate melting.
    4.The signs of the chemical reactions are when two things are mixed together .
    5.The new substance when fire is occurred is Iron oxide.

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