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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

What a fabulous half term we have had – a long one, but one in which children have demonstrated that they are fantastic Broad Heath citizens. Well done to all the children who have made the right choices, considered their actions and shown Broad Heath values at all times. They were rewarded today with a pencil which is theirs to take home and keep.

We wish all our families a wonderful half term break and look forward to seeing you all in November.

13 responses to “Brilliant Behaviour at Broad Heath!”

  1. Great O.

    thank you Mr Andrews for your help

  2. Mohamed E.

    I remember those days it feels like childhood wait IM A CHILD SO ITS NOT CHILDHOOD

  3. Zahraa Y.

    Great job everyone! Let’s all keep this up!

  4. Esa A.

    well done

  5. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

    So pleased to see such fantastic behaviour last half term. Now let’s go for it this term and be just as fantastic! I know we can do it!

  6. Waniya Z.

    Well done everyone enjoy your half term I hope you like your new class I love you 🥰😍

  7. Mrs Davison

    Well done everybody for showing the school values this half term, an amazing achievement. I can’t wait to see what you all achieve next half term!
    Mrs Davison

  8. Mahid H.

    Wow is really fun

  9. Tana I.

    Well done guys

  10. Aiza B.

    Well done to everyone I hope your enjoying your half term

  11. Madeeha T.

    Well done everyoune for a good behavior

  12. Yasmin A.

    The pencil is nice

  13. Maryum N.

    I’m so happy that it is holidays but I also miss school because we used to learn about 2_D shapes and 3_D shapes on project week. And I loved playing with bee bots and i loved project week. And I enjoyed playing with my friends and playing outside.

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