Science Week in 1W

Friday – Sport and Senses

Today we explored different senses in PE. In golf, we played without touch, in football we played without sound and in skipping we played without our sight. We saw how valuable these senses are in these activities.

We also played some adapted sports. We played sitting volleyball, goal ball and boccia. These are activities that have been adapted so that people without certain senses can also take part. Here is what we did.

3 responses to “Science Week in 1W”

  1. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

    Wow 1W – what fantastic learning. You all looked like you had a great week learning about the senses!

  2. Mahid H.

    It’s way too much fun 👍🏼👍🏼

  3. Mrs J Patel

    Well done 1 White lovely blog showing lots of different skills and different senses used to for Science week.

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