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Year 5 ‘Swinging Sixties’ 1960’s Day!

The children in Year 5 have had a ‘groovy’ day stepping back in time to the 1960’s! We began the day learning about the subcultures of the 1960’s, including hippies, mods and rockers. We then explored dance, art, culture and music of the period. We ended the day with a year group protest – which was both energetic and allowed the children to experience history first hand. Well done Year 5, and thank you to all the adults who supported with costumes!

To create an image using the block printing style of Roy Lichtenstein

The children learnt about Roy Lichtenstein, an influential pop artist of the decade. They studied his most famous piece – ‘Whaam!’ and explored how this was created using the Ben Day dot method. We recreated this skill using paint and bubble wrap, building and layering a simplistic image.

To create a soundscape of the moon landings.

We were inspired by 2001: Space Odyssey and the importance of the moon landing to create soundscapes. Listen to ours below.

To create a protest placard

The children have been learning about all the peaceful protests that took place during the 1960s. There were protests for Equal rights, Stop the Vietnam war and bring their boys home and peace and happiness. The children created their own placards with messages for a peace, love and happiness.

To dance in the style of 1960’s using choreography of the decade

Today, we looked at 1960s dance moves and created our own dances. Please look at our photos and video below.

43 responses to “Year 5 ‘Swinging Sixties’ 1960’s Day!”

  1. Inayha H.

    I loved this day but my favourite part was protesting and painting on the bubble wrap.

  2. Ali A.

    My favourite activity was the protest and making the placards.

  3. Yahya S.

    I liked 1960s day. My favourite activity was the Roy Lichtenstein art then the protests.

  4. Minaal A.

    I had so much fun on 1960s day my favourite activity was painting on bubble wrap.

  5. Adam J.

    I enjoyed the activities I loved the time we went out and we said quality for all

  6. Yaseen E.

    My favourite thing was making the placards

  7. Jensen C.

    Jensen & Tyson

    Thank you for this amazing opportunity, we liked the art best.

  8. Ismael K.

    I loved well being i hope there is another well being.

  9. Ayaan M.

    Thank you for this day I loved it and my favourite part of the day was doing the printing of the bubble rap to make a picture of anything we wanted to make

  10. Hasbia D.

    My favourite part of the day was when we were making placards and I also enjoyed painting. It was so much fun!

  11. Tipian I.

    Thank you for this amazing opportunity I enjoyed every bit and again thank you for this is so fun

  12. Zahra D.

    I loved yesterday. My favourite part was the protest.

  13. Aisha A.

    I have enjoyed 1960s days the most I enjoyed was doing photo day, making our own Beatles and dancing.

  14. Kamil N.

    Zahraa Y :This was really fun and I enjoyed it thank you for all of this fun stuff that we got to do I enjoyed everything everything I did was my favourite so thank you fir putting effort to this
    Thank you for this amazing opportunity I enjoyed every bit and again thank you

  15. Markuss B.

    This was an amazing day. My most favourite part of the day was the moon landing spbackround music.
    HUDi and Markuss

  16. Sarah A.

    We enjoyed dance ,the protest signs, doing the protest and painting.

    Sarah,Maryam ✌️

  17. Ibrahim M.

    Yesterday was fun. My favourite part was the protest. Karanbir’s favourite part was making the double page spread.

  18. Najma O.

    Group that did it was Najma ,Maddox,and Rubab

  19. Kamil N.

    My favourite part is Dancing

  20. Xlexben F.

    My favourite part was marching around.
    My favourite was dancing my favourite dance was The madison.

  21. Sameeha A.

    Miski = I enjoyed 1960’s day. My favourite part was making block art.
    Isah = My favourite part was making a soundscape.
    Sameeha = My favourite part was the protesting.

  22. Mohammed W.

    Moi:my favourite part was pop art.
    Mow:My favourite part was the soundsca.

  23. Najma O.

    I had so much fun it was incredible I loved the 1960s dance I like Maddox dance so much fun wow it was so joyfull

  24. Mohammed W.

    Mow and moi
    Well done everybody!

  25. Ammara K.

    We had so much fun
    Ammara loved making the posters
    Noor loved making the pop art

  26. Romeesa T.

    I like making placards to protest.

  27. Seher A.

    I had so much fun on 1960s day I wonder what else we will learn in the week.

  28. Sania K.

    It was a fun day the thing that I enjoyed the most was the protest.
    Also I liked making the pop art because we could paint!
    I hope we have more fun days like this .

  29. Yaseen E.

    I loved 1960s day

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